Cottage pie with sliced new potatoes

Long time no post. Busy busy busy. Third year of university is really taking it out of me. I feel like I have no real time to myself, just work, work, work. Focusing on the end goal; I will graduate, hopefully with a first, with money in the bank and a job around the corner.

I haven’t posted since before Christmas, as if it is already mid Jan!! Christmas was wonderful, traditional family time, many glasses of wine, as much cheese as I could possibly eat and games all night. I love Christmas at the Chetwynd’s, so much fun and great to have time to see everyone. Missing my big brother this year, as he is out in Australia, but got to speak to him on the phone and he will be back before we know it.

The post today is a pretty simple dish, a twist on the classic cottage pie. Now I love mashed potato more than most, but I also like it full of butter and cheese. Rory and I are attempting a healthy January, (in an attempt to burn off some of the Christmas weight) so with this in mind, I have not been able to have mash the way I want it. But I have created a new recipe using sliced new potatoes creating a very healthy cottage pie. Which, if you are on slimming world, is only 1 syn per portion (using cheese as half your healthy extra a).


This cottage pie has all the flavour of a classic, but so much healthier! Hope you enjoy this recipe, let me know what you think. Like, share, comment and subscribe ☺

Cottage pie with sliced new potatoes

  • Servings: 4
  • Difficulty: easy
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  • Large non-stick saucepan
  • Medium saucepan with lid
  • Slotted spoon
  • Litre jug
  • 25x25cm ovenproof dish

  • Ingredients:
  • 500g 5% beef mince
  • 80g light cheddar cheese
  • 3 medium carrots sliced
  • 4 sticks of celery sliced
  • 1 medium white onion diced
  • 2 garlic cloves crushed
  • 1 cal. cooking spray
  • 600ml beef stock (1.5 cubes)
  • 450g new potatoes sliced
  • Worchester sauce
  • Soy sauce
  • 1 Bay leaf (not essential)


  1. Prep veg; slice carrots and celery about ½ cm thick, dice onion and garlic. Make up 600ml of stock and start heating up the pan.
  2. Spray the large pan with 1 cal. spray and add the mince, cook until most of the mince is brown and then add the onion and garlic.
  3. Fry off for a few minutes until onions are soft, then add the carrots and celery (fry for about 4 minutes).
  4. Pour the stock into the pan, add the bay leaf, a good splash of Worchester sauce and soy sauce, bring to the boil and then leave to simmer for 25-30 minutes (leave lid off last 5 mins of cooking).
  5. While the pan is simmering, finely slice the new potatoes, place in cold water and bring to the boil, leave to simmer for 15-20 minutes.
  6. (Pre heat oven to 180 degrees)
  7. Once cooked, drain the new potatoes. Use the slotted spoon to transfer the mince mixture to the bottom of the roasting dish, making sure not to take too much liquid. Then cover with new potatoes and sprinkle with cheese.
  8. Place in oven for 10-15 minutes until brown, then serve with garden peas (or broccoli)

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